Episode #213: Social Security Horror Stories with Laurence Kotlikoff

Social Security retirement benefits are crucial for millions of Americans, but the system and the formula for calculating benefits are complicated. After applying for Social Security payments, some individuals get a clawback letter stating that they owe the government money. On this week’s episode of Grow Money Business, Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff returns to the show to discuss his new book ‘Social Security Horror Stories,’ which reveals the dark side of social security. Throughout the episode we discuss social security as a whole, the steps you need to take once you receive a clawback letter, and more.

Show Notes

[07.06] Social Security Horror Stories – Laurence starts off the conversation by explaining how he came to write the book ‘Social Security Horror Stories’ with Terry Savage.

[13.00] Stories – Laurence walks us through some of the horrific stories of people who were victims of social security nightmares.

[24.51] Appealing – Grant and Laurence talk about the social security appeal process and what you need to look out for.

[36.47] Taking action – Laurence shares his idea on why people are not taking action against the injustice of the Social Security Administration.

[48.34] Advice – Grant and Laurence talk about why you should be hesitant take advice from anyone who works in Social Security.

[57.08] Writing – Laurence talks about his writing career with Forbes Business magazine.

[01.10.53] Personal security account system – Laurence explains how a personal security account system works.

[01.21.26] Global market portfolio – Laurence expresses his thoughts on why he thinks the world's financial system is going to yield a good return over a long period.




Social Security recipients struggle to pay back agency after unexpected overpayments



Social Security Horror Stories: Protect Yourself from the System -- and Avoid Clawbacks

by Laurence Kotlikoff



Connect with Laurence Kotlikoff

LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/laurencekotlikoff/

Twitter - twitter.com/Kotlikoff

Website - kotlikoff.net/